05 September 2009

Public Eye Action Scenes

Back in July (procrastinate much, Tara?) I attended Public Eye Action's opening night on the University of Minnesota's Northrop Mall. What is PEA, you ask? It's an art activist movement that basically sets up surveillance cameras and then stages actions to occur in front of them, with the aim of drawing our attention to the surveillance and web cameras that are always watching us (If you're singing Hall and Oates' "Private Eye," raise your hand). The event I attended was a mock art gallery opening, and participants were asked to behave as though Northrop Mall was the gallery, and everything in it (trees, buildings, random passersby), the art. Needless to say, we got a lot of strange looks... So entertaining.

My favorite part? The after party, which consisted of myself and the clowns drinking champagne straight out of the bottle on the steps of Andersen Library (For self-preservation purposes, I left those photos out). For more info on PEA, see their website. 

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